To signup for your dedicated server, please download and complete the
dedicated server contract below. Your completed contract should be mailed/faxed
to us, together with the setup fee and your first month's service fee.
Once we receive the contract and fees, lead time is approximately 2 weeks
for server setup and installation.
The dedicated server contract is available in Adobe Acrobat format.
Download versions are compressed (.zip for PC and .sit for Mac) and require
an extractor such as
WinZip or StuffIt.
To download an uncompressed version, right-click "Open in Browser" and
select "Save as". US and international versions vary only in page size
(Letter vs. A4).
US Dedicated Server Contract
*Requires Adobe Acrobat or Acrobat Reader. Download
Acrobat Reader free

International Dedicated Server Contract
*Requires Adobe Acrobat or Acrobat Reader. Download
Acrobat Reader free