There are many tools available for testing ping returns from a fixed
location to a specified domain. But this is of little relevance when
assessing the ability of a web hosting provider to reliably and consistently
serve your web site to a nationwide or global audience.
It is unlikely that visitors will be accessing your web site from the same
location, or utilizing the same connectivity as the test server. It is
also unlikely that the individual server being pinged would actually
host your web site, should you choose your hosting provider based
upon such results.
An accurate test would include multiple pings from different geographic
locations. The pings would be random and the querying servers would
be on different networks with separate connectivity. Tests would
be performed across a range of IP addresses on the web hosting provider's
subnet, and this would be done over an extended period. To avoid
anomalies, the highest and lowest figures should be discarded, and remaining
results would be averaged.
The following chart, organized alphabetically, provides ping returns
for the 50 most popular web hosting providers. Results are
calculated by pinging random IP addresses from each provider's subnet
10 times at 10 random intervals throughout each 24-hour period. The
test is performed from multiple servers in different geographic
locations across North America, South America, Asia and Europe.
Results are then averaged over 7 days.

Hosting Provider |
Average Global Ping Return Time (milliseconds) |
50megs |
Alabanza |
APlus.Net |
ApolloHosting |
AppSiteHosting |
Bravenet |
Brinkster |
BroadSpire |
DataPipe |
DataRealm |
Hosting Provider |
Average Global Ping Return Time (milliseconds) |
DataReturn |
Doteasy |
Dotster |
DreamHost |
Easyspace |
FastVirtual |
FortuneCity |
GoDaddy |
HostCentric |
HostDepartment |
Hosting Provider |
Average Global Ping Return Time (milliseconds) |
HostDepot |
HostDime |
| |
HostMySite |
HostRocket |
Hostway |
Infinology |
Interland/HostPro |
iPowerWeb |
Jumpline |
Hosting Provider |
Average Global Ping Return Time (milliseconds) |
LexiConn |
Lunarpages |
Media3 |
Netfirms |
NetNation |
NetSonic |
NetworkSolutions |
| |
ProHosting |
Hosting Provider |
Average Global Ping Return Time (milliseconds) |
PureHost |
RackSpace |
SBC/WebHosting |
SkyNetWEB |
| |
Tripod/Lycos |
ValueWeb/Affinity |
Verio |
WebIntellects |
Yahoo! Small Business |
- Lower millisecond figures (shorter bars) represent
faster response times.
- FastVirtual is required to honor requests to be removed from this