These instructions are for FrontPage 2000 users. Similar
instructions are also provided for FrontPage 2002
and FrontPage 98.
This guide is intended to give you a brief introduction to
FrontPage editing and publishing features. For detailed information,
please see your FrontPage 2000 help documentation.
Note: Before attempting to publish your site, remember to
activate FrontPage extensions from the "Hosting" area of your account
control panel.

There are two ways to design and maintain your FrontPage web:
1. Server-Side Editing
This is the simplest way to create and maintain your FrontPage web.
Your web site is created on your domain, and all development and
subsequent changes are applied directly to your live site. New
FrontPage users should consider using this method.
2. Web Site Publishing
This method is slightly more involved. However, it allows you
develop your web site on your local computer, and upload to your domain
(publish) when you choose. All development and subsequent changes are
applied only to your local site. Changes are then synchronized with
your live site whenever you upload (publish).

FrontPage Troubleshooting Tips
- FrontPage forms, page-includes, and other dynamic features
require FrontPage's own publishing method. If you upload a FrontPage
web using FTP, or other upload method, these dynamic features will
not work.
- FrontPage includes its own upload feature, which synchronizes
files and appends details of changes to FrontPage configuration
files whenever "publishing" occurs. If you are using FrontPage, you
should avoid accessing your site using an FTP program, as this may
corrupt the FrontPage extensions. Advanced users that need to use
FTP should not edit ".htaccess" and "postinfo.html" files, as well
as all files beginning with "_vti_".
- When you attempt publish a FrontPage web, if FrontPage informs
you that FrontPage extensions are not installed, that the web does
not exist, or the "Web Publishing Wizard" opens, please visit the
"Hosting" area of your account control panel and confirm that you
have activated your FrontPage extensions.
- Make sure you enter the full URL of your domain (i.e.
as the publish destination. Also make sure your Internet connection
is active before you attempt to publish your web.
- If your Internet connection is lost while using FrontPage, you
may not be able to publish your web, even if you re-establish your
connection. Try closing FrontPage, reconnect to the Internet, and
open FrontPage again. You should then be able to publish your web.
- If you lose the navigation structure following publishing to
your live site, first confirm that your local copy is working
correctly, then log in to the "Hosting" area of your account control
panel and reinstall FrontPage extensions. Wait 5 minutes to ensure
the extensions are active, then re-publish your site.
- If you continue to have problems, please contact FastVirtual
Support, ensuring you provide your FrontPage version, and a detailed
explanation of the problem.