These instructions are for FrontPage 98 users. Similar
instructions are also provided for FrontPage 2002
and FrontPage 2000.
Although FrontPage 98 is still supported, for
improved stability and additional functionality, it is strongly
recommended that you upgrade to a more recent version.
Server-side editing is the simplest way to create and maintain your
FrontPage web. Your web site is created on your domain, and all
development and subsequent changes are applied directly to your live
site. New FrontPage users should consider using this method.

Open Microsoft FrontPage and select "Open FrontPage Web" from the File menu...
Click the "More Webs" button, enter
(replacing "yourname" with your actual domain name), and choose
"List Webs"...
Double-click "<Root Web>"...
Enter your account username and password and click "OK"...
Once your FrontPage web has loaded, you will be presented with a graphical view of your web site...
Create and edit web pages using FrontPage's familiar explorer-type interface. You
can add other file types by simply dragging them into FrontPage
from other applications. New files you add, and any changes you make are instantly applied to your
live web site.