For security reasons, telnet access to shared hosting servers is not
permitted. FastVirtual provides innovative, web-based tools to assist
you in managing your files, folders, scripts and databases, without the
need for telnet.

Changing File and Directory Permissions
Change file and folder permissions (chmod) quickly and easily using
Webby, FastVirtual's easy-to-use
online file editor, or use your favorite
FTP client (such as CuteFTP
or WS_FTP).

Managing and Editing Files
Manage and edit files online with Webby, or use your favorite FTP
client. This also eliminates the need to upload or publish after each
minor change.

Debugging CGI Scripts
FastVirtual's CGI system includes a useful debug mode, which
allows you to proceed beyond generic error messages, into actual
script execution. This can actually make it easier to identify and
correct bugs than with telnet.

Managing Databases
FastVirtual provides phpMyAdmin for adding and managing MySQL
databases. To access phpMyAdmin, select "Developer's Corner" from the
"Hosting" area of your account control panel. For more detailed information, please see the
MySQL Overview.