All FastVirtual hosting plans include unlimited autoresponders.
Autoresponders enable you to send a preformatted response when email
is sent to a certain email address. They are typically used to reply to
messages with a "canned" reply or greeting, such as a price list or a
thank you message.
Autoresponders are easily added and configured from the "Email"
area of your account control panel.

Autoresponders Explained
Autoresponders enable you to prepare preformatted responses for particular
email addresses.
For example, if you provide customer support via,
you may wish to prepare an automatic response for all email sent to this
address. In this automated response you could confirm that the customer's
email was received, and perhaps provide details of general response times,
or alternative support options.
Your could also use autoresponders to provide product or service information,
such as price or stock lists, thereby reducing the amount of email your
sales staff have to handle.
To receive a sample autoresponder, send a blank email to
You should receive a reply within a few seconds, thanking you for trying
the sample autoresponder, and providing general information about FastVirtual's