All FastVirtual hosting plans include global email forwards.
A global email forward
is the catch-all of email options and automatically forwards all email
sent to your domain to a specified email address.
You can use a global email forward in conjunction with other
email options. In this case, all other options take precedence,
so that the global forward is used only when necessary.
Global email forwards are easily added and configured from the
"Email" area of your account control panel.
Note: By enabling a global email forward, you will receive
all email addressed to your domain, whether or not the the actual
email address exists. As this will also increase your vulnerability to
randomly addressed spam, unless you have a specific need for a global
forward, we do not recommend enabling this option.

Global Email Forwards Explained
A global email forward sends all email addressed to
your domain to a specified email address. This can be any valid email
address, whether hosted by FastVirtual, or elsewhere.
Usually, if someone were to send a message to a non-existent email
address (perhaps due to a typo), the message would be returned with a "User Unknown" error message. A global forward allows
you to receive such messages, even if the "to" address does not exist
on your domain.
Other email options take precedence, so you can still configure email
accounts, forwards, and autoresponders on your domain. The global
forward will only intervene if the email address doesn't exist.
Advanced users could use a global email alias in conjunction with
3rd-party software to collect all email addressed their domain, and then
redistribute this over an intranet.