- What can I do with FrontPage? Who should consider
using this?
- Which FrontPage versions are supported?
- Is FrontPage support subject to additional fees?
- Which FrontPage features are supported?
- Which FrontPage features are not supported?
- What's the minimum Internet access speed
recommended for FrontPage?
- I am attempting to upload my site with the Web
Publishing Wizard, but it says postinfo.html could not be
interpreted. What am I doing wrong?
- Where are the FrontPage form results stored?
- When using dynamic content, like the search form
and form processor, I get shtml.dll/shtml.exe file not found errors.
Why isn't this working?
- How can I password-protect my FrontPage web, or
areas of my web?
- Why is the Web Publishing Wizard asking me for an
FTP server address when I try to publish my FrontPage web?
- Does FastVirtual support FrontPage's Access ODBC
- FrontPage won't let me create a user with
"Browse" or "Author and Browse" access on a protected web or subweb.
- What are the most common FrontPage issues handled
by FastVirtual support staff?
- Where can I get Microsoft
FrontPage product support?

can I do with FrontPage? Who should consider using this?
Microsoft FrontPage is a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get)
web site design and management application. It enables you to design,
manage and publish web sites, all from single application. You do not
need to be familiar with HTML, as FrontPage's easy-to-use interface
takes case of all the code and programming for you, leaving you free
to concentrate on being creative.
FrontPage is great for novice users. Its easy to use templates
and wizards, and familiar Office interface allow you to get web sites
up and running fast, without having to understand what goes on
behind the scenes.
Seasoned web developers will also appreciate FrontPage's advanced
features, which can speed up the development process by taking care
of repetitive tasks. You also have full control over how FrontPage
handles your code, so you decide how your pages are coded, not the
application. Fast switches between design and code view, as well as
a real-time preview allow you to quickly develop, check and preview
your pages without leaving the application.

FrontPage versions are supported?
FastVirtual uses FrontPage 2002 server extensions. This is the
current release, and is fully compatible with the FrontPage 2003
application, as well as previous versions.
FrontPage extensions are easily enabled from the "Hosting" area
of the account control panel.
Although all versions of FrontPage can be used, we encourage
users to upgrade to FrontPage 2002 or higher, which is more stable
and includes better, standards-compliant features.
A brief product summary is provided in the
FrontPage Introduction.
For help with uploading your FrontPage web, please see the
FrontPage Guide.

FrontPage support subject to additional fees?
No. Microsoft FrontPage extensions provided as standard with all
FastVirtual web hosting plans, and are easily enabled from the
account control panel

FrontPage features are supported?
FastVirtual supports all Microsoft FrontPage features to UNIX/Apache
specifications. This includes all web bots that are provided
with FrontPage.

FrontPage features are not supported?
FastVirtual does not support custom web bots, multiple authors,
or Microsoft Access database integration.
Custom web bots may function correctly, but as their dependencies
and stability cannot be predetermined, they are not supported.
Multiple authors requires a Windows server platform. Microsoft Access database connectivity
requires a Windows server platform and ASP (Active Server
Pages). FastVirtual is a UNIX hosting provider.

the minimum Internet access speed recommended for FrontPage?
To use FrontPage live publishing features, Microsoft recommends that you have at least a 33.6kbps modem.
In practice, for an average web site that's regularly updated,
publishing at this speed would be frustrating. We therefore suggest
you use at least a 56kbps modem.

am attempting to upload my site with the Web Publishing Wizard, but it
says postinfo.html could not be interpreted. What am I doing wrong?
Microsoft's Web Publishing Wizard is an independent utility, and
is not actually part of FrontPage. FastVirtual does not support this
utility. Either use the normal FrontPage "Publish" feature, or change
your settings to use "FTP".
The upload destination for FTP software should be specified as "/htdocs",
although modern FTP clients should default to this directory.

are the FrontPage form results stored?
By default, Microsoft FrontPage places form results in your
"_private" directory, although you may specify any destination when
you create your form.
The "_private" directory is not accessible via your browser. This
is a security feature. To view the contents of this directory, you
need to open your live web in FrontPage. The "_private" directory
will be included in FrontPage's Folder View.

using dynamic content, like the search form and form processor, I get shtml.dll/shtml.exe file not found errors.
Why isn't this working?
You may be attempting to upload your site using an unsupported
method, or your site may not be uploading correctly. For
step-by-step upload/publish instructions, please see e see the
FrontPage Guide.
This error will likely occur if you attempt to use both FTP and
FrontPage to access/publish your site. FrontPage has a unique way of
uploading files, which is not compatible with FTP. This method
allows FrontPage to keep track of edits, so that subsequent uploads
only replace files that have changed. If you upload files to a
FrontPage web using FTP, this may damage the FrontPage structure,
thereby rendering the web inaccessible to FrontPage.
This error may also occur if you do not specify your domain
correctly. Make sure you enter your entire URL (i.e. http://www.yourdomain.com")
as the destination when publishing from within FrontPage.

can I password-protect my FrontPage web, or areas of my web?
Password protection (access restriction) is a server-side
process, so needs to be applied to your live site, not your local
To restrict access using Microsoft FrontPage, the directory you want
to protect must first be converted to a subweb. To do this simply right-click
the directory from FrontPage Explorer, and select "Convert to Web".
Then follow these steps:
- Make sure that you are connected to the Internet before opening
FrontPage. Open the subweb you want to protect in FrontPage. This
should be the subweb on your live web at FastVirtual, not
your local copy.
- Go to the Tools menu, select "Server", "Permissions"
(FrontPage 2003/02), or "Security", "Permissions" (earlier versions). Enter your
account username and password when prompted and the FrontPage Administration
interface will open in your browser.
- Click "change permissions", select "Use unique permissions for
the web site" and click "Submit to apply your changes.
- Click "Change anonymous access settings" and change from "On"
to "Off". Click "Submit" to apply your changes. Now the only
person permitted to access your web is you, with your main account
username and password.
- Now you need to add your authorized users. Click "Manage users".
Click "Add user" and enter a username and password for your user.
Select an access level and click "Add user" to apply your changes.
Repeat this process for all the users you wish to add.
Any visitors to this protected web will be prompted for authentication.
Users you have listed will be permitted access upon entering the
correct username and password. Any logon failures will result in a
401 Access Denied message (or your own 401 message, if provided).

is the Web Publishing Wizard asking me for an FTP server address when
I try to publish my FrontPage web?
Microsoft's Web Publishing Wizard is an independent utility, and
is not actually part of FrontPage. FastVirtual does not support this
This utility appears when FrontPage cannot connect to a
FrontPage-enabled web server. Either you have not enabled FrontPage
extensions on your account, or you were not connected to the
Internet when you started FrontPage.
If you have not yet enabled FrontPage extensions, visit the
hosting area of your control panel, and select "Enable FrontPage
extensions". Wait a few minutes for the extensions to be applied,
and try publishing your site again.
If you were not connected to the Internet when you opened
FrontPage, save any open documents, close FrontPage, connect to the
Internet , open FrontPage, and publish your site again. If you
continue to experience this problem, please contact
FastVirtual Support.

FastVirtual support FrontPage's Access ODBC features?
No. This feature requires ASP (Active Server Pages) and a Windows
server platform, whereas FastVirtual provides reliable UNIX-based

won't let me create a user with "Browse" or "Author and Browse" access
on a protected web or subweb.
This problem occurred with FrontPage 2000 server extensions, and
was resolved with the release of FrontPage 2002 server extensions.
2002 server extensions are installed on all FastVirtual servers.
The work-around for this issue at the time was as follows: first
create the user with "Administer, author and browse" access, confirm
the changes, then change the user to "Browse" access.

are the most common FrontPage issues handled by FastVirtual support
- Failure to install FrontPage extensions:
Enable FrontPage
extensions from your account control panel.
- Failure to use a supported publishing method:
See the
FrontPage Publishing
- Corruption of the FrontPage extensions by using FTP software:
Install, then
reinstall FrontPage extensions from your account control panel,
and do not access a FrontPage web using FTP software.

can I get Microsoft FrontPage product support?
If you are having problems with FrontPage and cannot find the answer
in this FAQ, please visit Microsoft. You can also find resolves for FrontPage
issues by searching the
Microsoft Knowledge Base. Enter the search term "FP2003",
"FP2002", "FP2000", etc., depending on your product version.