FormCGI enables you to verify the validity of credit card numbers.
Valid credit card numbers must match a specific set of equations.
When a user provides a card number, FormCGI uses a modulo process to
determine whether these equations are matched. If the user provides an
invalid card number, a message is displayed identifying the error,
together with a link back to the form. Alternatively, you may provide
your own custom error page.
This feature is intended to identify common typos and mistakes. It
does not verify that the card number is genuine, or that the card can
be charged. Nor does it provide the ability to charge the card.
FormCGI currently supports American Express, Discover, MasterCard
and Visa cards.

Enabling Credit Card Verification Parameters
Credit card verification is enabled by adding four fields to your
form. These fields should use the following parameters.
The "cc_name" Parameter
A text field for the name of the cardholder:
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="cc_name">
The "cc_type" Parameter
A select list containing the different credit card values. You may
include additional payment methods to this list. Credit card
verification will only be invoked if a supported card value is
selected (one of the first four options in the following example):
<SELECT NAME="cc_type">
<OPTION NAME="amex">American Express</OPTION>
<OPTION NAME="discover">Discover</OPTION>
<OPTION NAME="mastercard">MasterCard</OPTION>
<OPTION NAME="money_order">Money Order</OPTION>
<OPTION NAME="personal_check">Personal Check</OPTION>
The "cc_number" Parameter
A text field for the credit card number:
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="cc_number">
The "cc_exp" Parameter
A text field for the credit card expiration date:
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="cc_exp">

Providing a Custom Error Page
By default, when a user provides an invalid card number, a message
is displayed identifying the error, together with a link back to the
form. Alternatively, you may provide your own custom error page with
the "bad_cc_redirect" parameter as follows (replacing "yourname"
and "yourchoice" as appropriate):
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="bad_cc_redirect"