The WWW board script enables you to add a discussion forum to your site, where visitors can post
messages, and reply to messages posted by other users.
The message board system is easy to set up, and includes
advanced features, such as filtering and IP blocking.
A www board sample is not currently available:

How to Add a WWW Board
Follow these simple steps to add a WWW board to your web site:
- Create your new WWW board.
- Configure WWW board options.

Create Your New WWW Board
From the "Hosting" area of your account control panel, select "FreeCGI"
and click "Manage WWW Boards". Enter a directory to use for your board
(this will be automatically created) and click "Create Board".
It is good practice to follow file/directory naming conventions
when configuring your board. This means your board directory name
should not contain spaces, and should be in lower-case alphanumeric characters.

Configure WWW Board Options
The next page includes all configuration options for your new WWW
Basic Options
These options must be configured for your forum to be created.
- Title of the board is the HTML title for your forum
- Main board file is the file name for the main forum entry
page. As mentioned in the previous step, the page name
should not contain spaces, and should be in lower-case alphanumeric characters.
Tip: If you enter the main forum entry page name
as "index.html", you can point your users to "",
instead of the entire URL to the file.
- Color options allow you to to specify colors for your
background, text and links. You may also enter the Hex value
- Background image allows you to specify the URL of an
image file to display on the background of your forum pages.
- Administrative username and Password must be
specified in order to create your WWW board, and are required to
access the forum administration interface.
Advanced Options
These options are not required, but can be used to enhance your
discussion forum. It is recommended that you leave these settings at
their default values until you have visited your WWW board. You can
then return to the management interface and make any required changes
once you are familiar with the way the board functions.
- File extensions allows you to toggle between ".html" and
".htm" extensions for your message forum files.
- Message directory allows you to change the name of the
subdirectory where messages are stored.
- Show FAQs allows you to specify whether a link to the
user help file is included in your forum.
- FAQ File enables you to provide an alternate help file
for the above link.
- Allow HTML tags in messages enables/disables HTML in
forum messages. If you disable this option, users will not be able
to post links and other HTML to the forum pages.
- Quote text in replies includes/excludes the original
message text when a user posts a reply to a message.
- Subject line determines whether the message subject is
included when a user posts a reply to a message, and whether the
subject text can be edited.
- Time stamp messages places a time/date stamp on all posts
to your forum.
When you have finished configuring your WWW board options, click
"Save Customization".

Viewing Your WWW Board
If you named your main forum entry page "index.html", as
recommended above, simply point your browser to the following URL
(where "yourname" is your actual domain name, and "yourboard"
is the directory containing your WWW board):
If you provided a different file name, you will need to include
this as follows (where "yourname" is your actual domain name, "yourboard"
is the directory containing your WWW board, and "filename" is
the name you provided for your main forum entry page):

Modifying Configuration Options
You can modify basic WWW board settings, or configure advanced
options at any time. Simply visit the "Hosting" area of your account
control panel, select "FreeCGI" click "Manage WWW Boards", and click
the "Modify" button next to the board you wish to edit.

WWW Board Administration
The administration interface enables you to remove posts from your
discussion forum. You can remove individual posts, or entire message
threads. You can also remove posts by date, author, or message number.
To access the WWW board administration interface, visit the "Hosting"
area of your account control panel, select "FreeCGI", click "Manage
WWW Boards", and click the "Administer" button next to the board you
wish to edit.
You can also access the administration interface directly via the
following URL (where "yourname" is your actual domain name, and
"yourboard" is the directory containing your WWW board):
Note: If you access the administration interface via its URL
directly, you will be prompted for the administrative username and
password you specified when you created the WWW board. This does not
apply when accessing the administration interface from your account
control panel.

Tracking IP Addresses of Users
Each WWW board message and related thread is stored in its own HTML
file. Message files are named sequentially (i.e. "1.html", "2.html",
"3.html" etc.) and are stored in the message directory you specified
when you created your board ("messages" by default).
Every message posted to your WWW board includes the IP address of
the user. This is written as an HTML comment tag in the message file.
To determine the IP address of a user, simply examine the message file
that contains their post. Their IP address will be included in the
HTML as follows (where "" is their IP address):
If you find that a particular user is frequently making
inappropriate posts to your forum, you can use their IP address to
block them from your forum pages (or your site as a whole). Detailed
information about blocking IP addresses is available in the
Webby Guide.