Webmail via Your Web Browser
Check your existing POP/IMAP email accounts from any computer
with a web browser and Internet access, without interfering with
your primary email client.
Speedy, easy to use, web-based interface
- Supports multiple POP3/IMAP4 mailboxes & domains
- Address book with import/export functionality
- Customized headers and signatures
- CC, BCC, forward messages and send attachments
- Create folders for your messages
- Real-time spam filtering & configurable filter rules
Access the Webmail interface via the following URL:

Webmail via Your Cell Phone
Now you can access your POP/IMAP email accounts from any WAP/XHTML
enabled PDA or cell phone.
This service provides access to all primary Webmail features,
including "Show Unread", "Show All", "Compose Message",
"Options" and "Address Book".
Simply point your PDA or cell phone to:
When prompted, enter your mailbox name, password and domain.

FastVirtual Webmail will also work with 3rd party email
accounts. However, some providers do not permit external access to mailboxes.
If you are unable
to log in to your mailbox, please check with your provider to confirm
external access is permitted.